[Sigia-l] My gratitude

Brenda Janish brendaj at interaccess.com
Thu Mar 11 16:37:40 EST 2004

Before we all hoist Ziya on our collective shoulders and parade him through 
the metaphorical streets to the accolades of adoring crowds...

Can we please move on to another topic?!?

At 03:32 PM 3/11/2004, Pradyot Rai wrote:
>Yesterday I was just surfing when I came across this quote --
>"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then
>you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
>I remember Howard Dean famously quoted it last time, however it is very
>apt to this scenario :)
> > I've been overwhelmed with all the email of support and concern that I
> > received privately as well as on the list. I apologize for not being able
> > to
> > thank you individually as I want to and as I will as soon as I can. I'm
> > under a severe deadline to complete the IA/design of a webcasting app that
> > needs to go online very soon. But thank you, you have my gratitude.
> >
> > I may have a thing or two to say about the matter, later.:-) But I wanted
> > to
> > make a note of three things here very briefly.
> >
> > I'm delighted that so many people on/off the list, lurkers and barkers
> > alike, stood up to defend anyone's right to contribute and rejected the
> > notion of a double standard, hopefully the list is self-inoculated against
> > bureaucratization and favoritism.
> >
> > I'm also heartened by a lot of people's realization that criticizing
> > somebody's assertions and attacking them personally are two different
> > things, despite the attempts of those who'd like to cloud the issue and
> > avoid a rigorous examinations of their biases under the banner of victim
> > hood.
> >
> > This list is still the premier venue on the web for discussing all manner
> > of
> > issues concerning the broader umbrella of IA, not in spite of the
> > sometimes
> > spirited exchanges it hosts, but precisely because of it. Those who don't
> > participate in the list and shy away from lively debate (no matter what
> > their stated excuse happens to be) do so because of their own choice, not
> > because there's anything broken with the list. And the SIGIA-L can be
> > proud
> > of that.
> >
> > Ziya
> > Nullius in Verba
> >
> >
> > ------------
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> >
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> >
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