[Sigia-l] User Experience Honeycomb

Matthew deStwolinski matthew at destwo.net
Wed Jun 23 17:17:21 EDT 2004

> It seems strange to have these user-centric satellites with the 
> host in the middle. User-centric, after all, suggests the *user* 
> should be in the middle.

Perhaps we need a new term for this.  I'll suggest "user-encrusted".

> I also have trouble accepting "findable" and "accessible" as separate
> terms on par with "usable." For me, they are subsets of "usable." You
> could just as well add "grammatical" to describe the usability of
> text, or "clickable" to describe the physical quality of the
> navigation (as a suppliment to "findable," which is generally
> restricted to the quality of the labels/IA).

I imagine you could be as granular as you want, depending on your goals.
On one end, I think "valuable" sums up all of the facets Peter gives.
On the other end, you could add some of the ones you suggested, plus
others like "comfortable" and "enjoyable".

And you could put emphasis in different places, again depending on your
goals.  As you mentioned, you could look at findability as a type of
usability...and accessibility as usability for a particular set of
users.  But by just saying "usability", many people will likely not
think of the full extent of what that means.  Apparently Peter is trying
to draw particular attention to findability and accessibility to make
sure they're not overlooked.  And I'm guessing, given the work he's
done, that Peter thinks there's enough work to do on findability that it
merits its own hexagon.  Other people with other goals may disagree for
their own purposes.

> Desirable? Why? There are lots of horrible sites that satisfy both my
> informational needs and probably those of the site owner, too,
> without being anything I would dare describe as "desirable." Check
> out the sites for various terrorist organizations,
> religious/political fanatics, etc. 

Maybe these terrorist organizations and assorted fanatics aren't doing
the "desirable" facet very well.  Perhaps their sites could better serve
their goals by doing a better job of utilizing "the power and value of
image, identity, brand, and other elements of emotional design" (from
Peter's definition.)  In explaining why they're doing what they're
doing, they could try to create some strong, positive emotional
connection to their cause.  Not that I would want these groups to do a
better job of this, but it could be effective.


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