[Sigia-l] RE: is there a word

Groot, Boyd de boyd.de.groot at satama.com
Mon Jun 7 10:24:22 EDT 2004

>Maybe I'm just simple.

Then I am definitely simple.

So far I have seen terms like: semiotics, symbols, facets, facicons, service
key (?),
glyphs (??), etc. 

>I actually suspect that Christina is looking for a very pragmatic term, and

>thus will be less interested in some extremely academical distinction.

hear, hear (I will refrain from 'duh', as not to show my normal Dutch
bluntness :-)

After this I can imagine that the average, bottom-line oriented business or
project manager will hesitate to ask the resident IA anything and will
just drop by the IT-guy's desk next time

--Boyd de Groot  

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