[Sigia-l] is there a word

Anthony Hand handa at si.umich.edu
Sun Jun 6 16:49:13 EDT 2004

Hi, Christina --

Another term that may be useful is "glyph." There are several 
commercial toolbar icon companies that make use of that term and 
provide definitions. For one:


On the homepage, they offer this definition:

Main Entry: glyph 
Pronunciation: 'glif
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek glyphE carved work, from glyphein to carve
1 : An ornamental vertical groove especially in a Doric frieze.
2 : A symbolic figure or a character (as in the Mayan system of 
writing) usually incised or carved in relief.
3 : A symbol (as a curved arrow on a road sign) that conveys 
information nonverbally.

BTW, regarding my earlier posting that the UN has a standard of signs. 
After looking around online a bit, I saw references instead to the ISO 
and the EU. One site mentioned two international consensus standards 
for symbols: ISO 15223 and EN 980.


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