[Sigia-l] is there a word

Groot, Boyd de boyd.de.groot at satama.com
Fri Jun 4 05:21:23 EDT 2004

Perhaps 'an icon language' for hotel X ?

I have encountered similar questions in a recent project. The language 
analogy is often used in icon design. It allows you to design/discuss 
things like icon semantics (is a pool represented by waves or a diving
board?) and icon syntax (how are different sub-objects (if any) structured
in the icon layout? )

(You can also extend the analogy upwards to 'narrative style' (think Apple
vs MS) and downwards to medium specific carriers)


-----Original Message-----
From: Christina Wodtke [mailto:cwodtke at eleganthack.com]
Sent: vrijdag 4 juni 2004 9:52
Subject: [Sigia-l] is there a word

for a set of icons that represent aspects of a thing: like a hotel that has
icons that represent pool, pets welcome, parking or a movie theater that has
icons for handicapped accessible, hearing impaired, parking, etc.


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