[Sigia-l] Buzzwords (was microcontent - a definition?)

Listera listera at rcn.com
Tue Feb 17 04:24:29 EST 2004

"gunnar" wrote:

> If we can't deal with the changing world, we should find a job in a school
> library.

Ouch, ouch!
> There's no need to resent the marketing peoples use of buzzwords

Unless, of course, you're a graffiti lover. :-)
> or we will surely become obsolete faster than you can say "ontology"!

You want to talk about 'obsolete'? Here's a mind bend from my files:

€        A2A         Application to Application
€        ADM         Automated Data Migration
€        B2B         Business to Business
€        B2C         Business to Consumer
€        B2E         Business to Employee
€        B2G         Business to Government
€        C2B         Consumer to Business
€        C2C         Consumer to Consumer
€        CDI         Customer Data Integration
€        CDM         Customer Data Management
€        CDQM         Continuous Data Quality Management
€        CIF         Corporate Information Factory
€        CIF         Customer Information File
€        CIQ         Customer Information Quality
€        DQA         Data Quality Auditing
€        DQM         Data Quality Management
€        DQMS         Data Quality Management System
€        DQO         Data Quality Objectives
€        DRM         Data Resource Management
€        DSS         Decision Support System
€        DTMS         Data Transformation Management System
€        EAI         Enterprise Application Integration
€        EDM         Enterprise Data Management
€        EDQ         Enterprise Data Quality
€        EIP         Enterprise Information Portal
€        EIS         Executive Information System
€        EMA         Enterprise Marketing Automation
€        EMM         Enterprise Marketing Management
€        ERP         Enterprise Resource Planning
€        ETL         Extract Transform Load
€        ETT         Extraction Transformation Transport
€        IAM         Information Asset Management
€        ILM         Information Lifecycle Management
€        IQ         Information Quality
€        IRM         Information Resource Management
€        KD         Knowledge Discovery
€        M2B         Machine to Business.
€        MES         Manufacturing Execution System
€        MRP         Materials Requirement Planning.
€        PRM         Partner Relationship Management
€        SCM         Supply Chain Management
€        SFA         Sales Force Automation
€        SFC         Shop Floor Control System
€        SRM         Storage Resource Management
€        TDQM         Total Data Quality Management
€        UC         Utility Computing

You want to bet on how many of these will pop, crackle and fizz out faster
than you can say 'sticky' web pages?


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