[Sigia-l] What makes an IA good at what he or she does?

Laurie Gray lgray at humancentrictech.com
Thu Feb 12 11:13:29 EST 2004

I was recently challenged by a colleague to define what makes us good at
what we do. His argument was, anyone can draw wireframes - what makes
what you do different, and better? 

I have some ideas but I am curious to hear what the group thinks. This
particular colleague is very much in support of my work, and the
discussion related on how to sell my skills to other colleagues, who
feel that anyone trained in HF can do IA work.

Thank you,

HumanCentric Technologies
Laurie Gray
Senior Usability Specialist
lgray at humancentrictech.com
111 James Jackson Ave. Suite 221 Cary NC 27513
tel: 919-481-0565
fax: 919-481-0310

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