[Sigia-l] Thanks for Career Advice

Filipp Sapienza sapienza at comm.cudenver.edu
Fri Dec 17 14:10:41 EST 2004


In the Technical Communication Program at Cu-Denver, we offer a course
called XML and Single-Sourcing that focuses on the architecture of content
systems. Since you already live in Denver, this might be more convenient
than going to Kent State University. Your background seems to give you
sufficient prerequisites for taking the course, which will be offered
again in the fall of 2005. You may visit the course syllabus for the
current semester by going to http://comm.cudenver.edu/~sapief/320.php

Good luck!


> I really appreciate it. I really don't want to go back
> to school and I liked the idea of going back part time
> if I ever decided to while working. I will do a lot of
> reading on my own and plan to take some inexpensive
> classes to get me back into the game. I can always
> look at the curriculum for the IAKM program and see
> what everyone is reading. As well, it occured to me
> that one could take any site and sample it for
> deconstruction and reconstruction for practice, not be
> published or used for anything other than practice.
> Organizations are a good idea too. It is worth a shot
> anyway, to see if I can make use of my Masters degree
> after all. Thank you, thank you thank you. 
> It also occured to me that my whole masters thesis was
> on the interplay between print culture and digital
> cutlure and the web site was a mirror of that theory
> and had to be very organied and yet non-linear in flow
> at the same time. 
> Catherine 
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