[Sigia-l] Rollover Navigation Submenus: Usable or not?

Taylor, Brett btaylor at roundarch.com
Fri Dec 17 14:32:29 EST 2004

I guess we could look at this as evolution of the web, maybe it is
leading to a more application feel and the fly outs allow for this. 

brett taylor + R O U N D A R C H + bus 312.529.2502 + mob 773.844.5233

-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On
Behalf Of Anders Ramsay
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Rollover Navigation Submenus: Usable or not?

On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 12:39:42 -0600, T. Karsjens <timothy at karsjens.com>
> I have also tried to make flying menus work with the command onClick, 
> instead of onMouseover.  The problem that arises with this approach, 
> which closely resembles the OS version of menus, is that you eliminate

> the possibility of actually clicking on the top level item to get to a

> landing page with the sub menu as static links.  When the users saw 
> this, about 40% of them balked at not having that secondary landing 
> page, if I remember correctly, although it could have been the other 
> way, with 60% missing the landing page.

IMO, flyout menus on the web are all too often a misguided
bastardization of the desktop menu paradigm (such as what was mentioned
earlier about having them appear on hover)  Not to be too tongue in
cheek here, but what is the landing page of the 'File' or 'Edit' menu in
a desktop app?  I'd be very interested in seeing this design in which
users balked at there not being a landing page.  Did it have the
affordances of a desktop-like menu (no expectation of landing page), or
a web navigation menu (more likely expectation of landing page)

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