[Sigia-l] IA research?

Sarah Brodwall sjb at broadpark.no
Tue Apr 27 10:02:44 EDT 2004

At Tuesday, 27/04/2004  02:24, gcampbel at uwo.ca wrote:
>Are we thinking about basic research that is intrinsically "IA research"?  Or
>are we thinking about basic research from a variety of different fields that
>have relevance to IA practice?

I expect that there's lots of research being done that's applicable to IA, 
but very little that operates under the nebulous banner of IA.  The 
Information Design Research Group that I'm involved with at my university 
is doing research that's most definitely applicable to IA.  Their 
definition of Information Design is much more broad that most definitions I 
see, and their approach comes more from a cognitive science perspective as 
opposed to LIS.  You can check out their web page at 

Sarah Brodwall                     Time you enjoy wasting is not
sjb at broadpark.no                   wasted time.    ~T. S. Eliot 

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