[Sigia-l] choosing wiki software ... Help!

Peter VanDijck pvandijck at lds.com
Thu Apr 22 10:53:25 EDT 2004

I like wacko wiki, screenshots and easy install instructions here:

It defaults to letting you edit a page upon doubleclick, you can turn
that off in the templates. Apart from that, painless.


Dave wrote:
> ok, so I'm starting a wiki. How do you go about choosing wiki
> software, or even to cut to the chase quicker what would people
> recommend. On WikiPedia there is a list of 20+ options. Many I can't
> use b/c of system constraints, but even w/o that there are too many to
> evaluate on my own.
> So here are my system requirements:
> I'm on a shared environment (no root access)
> W/ Perl, PHP, MySQL, Apache, on Linux
> Whatchy'all recommend?
> -- dave
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