[Sigia-l] HCIL Symposium & Open House, June 3-4, 2004 - Register Now!

Kollet, Sharmon sharmon at cs.umd.edu
Mon Apr 19 11:31:35 EDT 2004

The Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland will be hosting its 21st annual Symposium & Open House June 3-4, 2004.   This event serves as a time for you to come and learn about the latest research going on here at the HCIL.  You can register at https://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/soh/regist-secure.shtml .

The event consists of a day of tutorials and workshops (Thursday, June 3) followed by the main Symposium (Friday, June 4).  The main Symposium includes presentations about our work followed by open labs where you can chat with researchers informally and try out our prototypes personally.

Pre Symposium Events - June 3, 2004
AV Williams Building, University of Maryland
For more information about tutorials and the workshop, please go to :  http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/soh/workshop.html

Symposium & Open House - June 4, 2004
Hoff Theater, University of Maryland
For more information about the main Symposium & Open House, please go to:  http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/soh/

Please call 301-405-2769 or email hcilsymposium at umiacs.umd.edu with any questions.

**The HCIL is also co-sponsoring the Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference on June 1-3.  IDC 2004 is also taking place on the University of Maryland Campus.  If you sign up for BOTH the HCIL Symposium & Open House AND the IDC 2004 conference, you will receive 20% off of your IDC 2004 registration.  See http://www.idc2004.org for more information.
Dr. Allison Druin of the HCIL is the IDC 2004 conference chair.

Questions about HCIL or this list, contact hcil-info at cs.umd.edu.

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