[Sigia-l] RE: Web Standards and I.A.s

Luca Rosati luca_rosati at tiscali.it
Wed Apr 7 04:11:55 EDT 2004

Il giorno 6 apr 2004, alle 19:31, O'Neill, Brian ha scritto:

> Hi
> Thanks for the responses (ciao luca!). Let me clarify. What I am 
> curious
> about is, if you are primarily working as an Information Architect, 
> what
> role did you play in the process of building a web-standards (WS) site?

Yes, first I work as IA.

> Markup? Accessbility? CSS? The entire front end? Nothing? What size was
> your team, or was it just you?

In projects that involve Standard and/or accessibility, my role is also 
in defining the page structure, surveying the markup, and helping in 
CSS design;
cross browsing tests and user tests.
The standard team is 3 IAs, 1 info designer, some programmers.
But in the IA team only I works also as standard/accessibility expert.

The last 3 project saw such approach.

* www.sistemapiemonte.it
* an Intranet for a Bank
* a redesign of an Enterprise Internet banking service


home:	http://www.lucarosati.it/
AI:		http://www.trovabile.org/
@:		luca at lucarosati.it		

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