[Sigia-l] Re: New Web Accessibility & IA Organization inBoston (Listera)

James Robertson jamesr at steptwo.com.au
Mon Sep 22 23:36:09 EDT 2003

At 01:26 PM 23/09/2003, Lynch, Neil wrote:

>Nullius in Verba wrote:
><<there's a fundamental difference between operating at the (raw)
>level of info and operating several levels of abstraction above it. We are
>not in the content creation business.>>
>Maybe true, but if the content is wrong, or wrongly interpreted, or 
>incorrectly managed, or not needed, then what is presented may look good 
>and be totally useless.
>An organisations Information Archticture is not just about information 
>presentation - it is the whole process from identification of need, to 
>creation, to storage, to mobilisation (including presentation), to disposal.

I agree. This is the difference between "usable"
and "useful".

A perfectly structured and designed site where all
information is easily obtainable is utterly useless
if it doesn't provide the information that users

There just isn't a hard line that can be drawn
between IA/usability and the rest of the world...


James Robertson
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd

Knowledge Management / Content Management / Intranets

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