[Sigia-l] Usability Horror Stories

Emily Leahy eleahy_thieler at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 18 17:20:57 EDT 2003

--- Listera <listera at rcn.com> wrote:
> "Emily Leahy" wrote:
> > I work in the User Interface Design department of
> my
> > company
> What industry?

Government Software

> Incidentally, one *generic* class of silent but
> incredibly widespread UHS is
> the obnoxiously inept 'sniffer' scripts that detect
> a specific browser
> version/OS/JavaScript/Flash/QuickTime/etc. They
> refuse entry to the site for
> millions of users daily, even though their
> client-end is perfectly capable
> of handling it. They either make really silly
> programming errors or get way
> too specific in detection or they still check for
> outdated stuff, etc.
> There's no usability blunder there because the
> potential user doesn't even
> get to first base to use anything.
> Ziya
> Nullius in Verba 
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