[Sigia-l] Navigation Systems

alfred at thunderstick.com alfred at thunderstick.com
Thu Sep 18 14:39:48 EDT 2003

There were the beginnings of what I expected to be a more robust field -
see Communications of the ACM - August 1995.

One 'hypermedia design' paradigm I liked was called RMM - Relationship
Management Methodology - where the author details a few fundamental
navigation types (but which are core to the methodology) which are
referred to as access constructs:

Guided Tour
Indexed Guided Tour
Circular Guided Tour

See http://jmis.bentley.edu/rmm/ for further info..

I personally use the framework mentally when designing, and also have done
some private writing in this area, because I use it as an underlying model
to translate between Relational Databases and Web Navigation.

A good place to dig is in the WWW{n} conferences, for example:

Finding them online can be spotty :)

Best of luck,
Alfred Werner
SchemaThings, LLC

On Thu, 18 Sep 2003 Richard_Dalton at Vanguard.com wrote:

> Is anyone aware of any work (books, blogs, papers, etc) done on Navigation
> Systems and their classification? I'm thinking of things similar to the
> Polar Bear's (2nd ed) chapter 7 - but with either more detail or different
> viewpoints?
>  - Richard
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