[Sigia-l] Corporate Blogging - the problems

Listera listera at rcn.com
Mon Sep 15 01:07:42 EDT 2003

"Eric Scheid" wrote:

> I'm a bit perturbed by this.

This is not the first time, you've always been perturbed. :-))

> Just imagine if society takes the same don't-care not-my-problem attitude to
> other things ...

I don't need to because society/technology is smarter than that and tries to
obviate obvious problems:

*   You can force the user to backup or let his computer do it automatically
whenever connected.
*   You can ask the user to defrag their drives periodically or design a
file system that doesn't require it.
*   You can ask the user to manually run disk repair utilities after a
system crash or you can design an OS that rarely crashes and uses journaling
to auto-repair after one.
*   You can force the user to manually enter keywords to every office
document he creates or the docs can be automatically parsed and indexed
without his intervention.
*   You can ask the user to remember every darn username/password combo on
every web page that requires it or you can let OSX's Keychain manage that
automatically and transparently.
*   You can require a user to carry two Ethernet cables and figure out when
he needs the crossover one or you can design all your PC's Ethernet ports to
*   Etc.

So you see, the days of surgery without anesthesia are over and hopefully
progress will reach your neck of the woods one of these days.:-)

Nullius in Verba 

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