[Sigia-l] examples of "best bets" search results?

Marcia Morante info at kcurve.com
Thu Oct 23 07:05:56 EDT 2003

It's not clear at all that NIH is using "best bets".  Seems to me that users
should know this.

Marcia Morante
KCurve, Inc.
(718)881-5915 - office
(917)821-2087 - mobile
Effective Content Management for the Web

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sigia-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-admin at asis.org]On Behalf Of
> Peter Morville
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 6:31 AM
> To: 'Eric Scheid'; 'sigia l'
> Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] examples of "best bets" search results?
> Here's another example:
> http://www.nci.nih.gov/
> Peter Morville
> President, Semantic Studios
> www.semanticstudios.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sigia-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-admin at asis.org] On Behalf
> Of Eric Scheid
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 4:58 AM
> To: sigia l
> Subject: [Sigia-l] examples of "best bets" search results?
> I'm reviewing some old notes, and am looking for some examples of "best
> bets" search results on actual websites. I've got quite a few references
> to articles and discussions, but scant actual examples.
> Here are some I've found so far...
> * http://search.msu.edu/
> * http://us.imdb.com/Find?for=higgins
> *
> http://bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/search/results.pl?q=music&scope=all&tab=allbbc
> * http://search.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/regsearch.cgi?words=human+resources
> e.
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