[Sigia-l] History of "Information Architecture"

Listera listera at rcn.com
Sun Oct 12 18:36:01 EDT 2003

"Peter Morville" wrote:

> I disagree.  In my post, the humor was subtle.  In the preface, it was
> overt.  In fact, I referred to my own account as "horribly biased and
> tragically flawed."

OK, let's cut to the chase. What's the point of advancing that "horribly
biased and tragically flawed" account, if not for self-promotion?

(PS. There's nothing wrong per se with self-promotion, just don't pretend
that it amounts to something more than that.)

> In any case, I had fun writing it, and I hope a few
> people have fun reading it.  Cheers!

Well, if it were just an amusing story I wouldn't mind it so much, even if I
had to struggle to find morsels of fun in it. But the point is that every
few months or so someone on this list confuses what you claim is a fun story
with broader historical facts. That's why I included the links to the
archives, where months ago the same confusion reared its ugly head and not
for the first time.
> PS. As always, I assume Ziya will demand to have the last word, and I'm
> at peace with this fact of life on sigia.

That really is just too lame a tactic to avoid the issue. I'll continue to
respond to any attempt to hijack history, in jest or otherwise.

Nullius in Verba 

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