[Sigia-l] sigia-l archive & obfuscated email addresses

Victor Lombardi victorlombardi at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 23 23:23:16 EST 2003

The nifty, searchable SIGIA-L archive[1] now changes
all the "@" symbols in email addresses to "_at_" in an
attempt to foil email harvesting programs and yet
still make it possible for us to contact people found
through the archive. All past emails in the archive
have been altered as well. It ain't perfect[2], but it
should help decrease our spam intake.

Thanks to Lou Rosenfeld and Andrew McNaughton for
their help.

[1] http://www.info-arch.org/lists/sigia-l/
[2] ...and I'm well aware of the shortcomings, so
there's no need to email me

Victor Lombardi

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