[Sigia-l] tool: inspiration

Joe 10 joe at joe10.com
Fri May 30 00:36:47 EDT 2003

I've been an avid Inspiration user since the early 90's and have used 
it for various uses over the years. A lot of the simpler deliverables 
linked from http://www.joe10.com/portfolio/  were done in 
Inspiration, but the more detailed ones there are certainly Visio.

In a word, or a few words any-hoo:

- It has more power than you expect
- It has less power than you may need/want
- It's files cross platforms extremely cleanly, which almost no other 
flowcharting tool can say.
- It can flop back and forth between "diagram" (flow chart) mode and 
outline mode with the click of a button, which is a feature I live 
for. I think Omni-Graffle/Outliner do that now as well
- It's export is lame and it's import is non-existant

That's it. It's one of the nicest ideas for a program I know, but 
suffers from low horsepower. It's fast and easy and great for quick 
expression and can be painfully leveraged to deliver a little bit 
more. It's outliner is smooth as silk, but the data is relatively 
trapped, except for some lame text and HTML files it will spit out.

I haven't tried the new upgrade, but I know the company has no plans 
to support professional developers. Their market is certainly K-12.


At 12:32 AM -0300 5/30/03, Livia Labate wrote:
>Hello all,
>I was wondering if anyone here has tried out Inspiration and could give me
>some feedback. It is a mindmapping tool focused on teaching, but I can see
>many uses for it:
>The quick tour is very nice:
>- Livia
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Joe Tennis
Information Design Honcho
Joe 10 Group
2430 5th Street
Studio L
Berkeley, CA 94710
joe @ joe10.com
User Centered Design, Strategy and Marketing
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