[Sigia-l] IA in Madison

Jonathan Broad jonathan at relativepath.org
Thu May 29 14:45:37 EDT 2003


I'm in Madison.  My exposure to the environment is somewhat limited by 
having worked for the State for two years, and working on my MLIS before 
that.  While the UW Madison's LIS program ephasizes 'traditional 
librarianship', it is IA-aware, and I keep trying to help in that 
department by doing guest lectures.  This summer I'm teaching a class 
there on a bundle of IA-related subjects.

Because of budgetary crises, I find myself looking for work, and thus 
looking much more closely at the larger Madison environment nowadays.  I 
find a lot of companies that are aware of usability engineering, but few 
who are aware of what you'd call IA/UX.  In a few years that will of 
course improve, as will the fortunes of the University and the State, 
both potentially rich sources of IA work.  I may find myself doing 
straight-up web dev or usability testing in the meantime myself.

I hope some other Madisonians give a shout out--I know of one other in 
town, and we'd like to start a cocktail-hourish thing if we can find 
some others.  I'd also be very interested in *their* impressions of 
Madison's IA-friendliness.

If nothing else, it's one of the most beautiful towns in the country.  
Feel free to take this off-list if you'd like more detail.


Sean Lawerence wrote:

>Are there any IA's in Madison, Wi out there?  Trying to see what the
>environment for IA is like out there.  We're considering moving there in a
>couple years.
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