[Sigia-l] asp.net form validation/error guidelines

Michael_Piastro at harte-hanks.com Michael_Piastro at harte-hanks.com
Tue May 20 13:17:35 EDT 2003

In the official asp.net web form validation tutorial:


Microsoft demonstrates the built-in form validation capabilities of 
asp.net. In the most complete example provided:


they seem to be demonstrating the following error guidelines:

1. List all required fields that have not been completed at the top of the 
form, preceded by the message "you must enter a valid value in the 
following fields"
2. Place a red asterisk to the right of all required fields (not labels) 
that have not been completed.
3. For invalid input (email address without @ sign, etc.) place a message 
prompting the user to supply valid input to the right of the field **when 
the cursor leaves the field.** An example is "Zip code must be 5 numeric 

Comments? Conformance to other guidelines? Thanks.

Michael Piastro
Information Architect

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