[Sigia-l] IA by Origin - Where do IAs come from?

Philip Hall philipnhall at telus.net
Tue May 20 01:49:30 EDT 2003


I have certainly hired college students and have also hired 
fresh-out-of-library-school new graduates. They've been hired to do 
some web-content assembly and some IA. The students get *way* less than 
$30/hour and the last fresh graduate I hired got a bit less than 

In both circumstances they've been happy with the work, not, 
apparently, too unhappy with the pay, and I've been happy with the 
outcome. I know going in that the students are going to need some of my 
attention and regular care and attention from others on my staff. The 
student jobs are usually just for the summer and are subsidized with a 
(Canadian) federal government student works program. I've only really 
been disappointed with one student who just didn't work out. The rest 
(about five of them, in total) have been just fine. Just remember that 
the more their interests stray from pure IA and/or information science, 
the more your mileage may vary.

The fresh graduates were both marvellous; very sharp kids who learned 
fast and worked with me as new IA/ weblibrary content managers for 
between six months and a year. They got some valuable experience for 
reasonable pay and both got hired away into desirable positions.

I wouldn't look at a non-profit $30/hour temp-position as an insult. 
I'd look at it as an opportunity for someone new and enthusiastic to 
get into the profession, get a taste for what's possible, and 
(hopefully) use it as a step in their career path. I'd expect the 
non-profit gets some  valuable advice and assistance that they couldn't 
otherwise afford.

I run a small non-profit weblibrary. I can tell you that that scenario 
can work well for all concerned if everybody goes into it with the 
right expectations.


[speaking for myself, but here's the official sig, just the same...]
Philip Hall
Executive Director
Canadian Land Centre
philip at landcentre.ca
F: 604.688.1170

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