[Sigia-l] Findability is dead, Long live ummm... Meaning?

gunnar gunnar at langemark.com
Sun Mar 30 16:13:39 EST 2003

> My gut tells me those who say finding is different from knowledge-gaining
> hasn't watched people try and make complex decisions using online content.
> Jared

I agree, but it adds to the frustration among some people on this list, that 
the psychological, social and cultural meaning-making practice and the time 
based nature of the use of our work, makes it difficult to grasp the 
discipline of IA in one crystalized GUT.

The GUT (Grand Unified Theory) of Information Architecture isn't going to 
happen - exactly because "gut" plays a key role in a cultural and 
communications related field like Information Architecture.
If we ignore the dynamics of context we will fail in our efforts to define 
and describe Information Architecture. If we keep trying to "fence in" IA - 
out of dissatisfaction with the fact that IA is not a Science of the "Natural 
Sciences" kind, but a practice drawing on a broad range of human, social and 
cultural sciences and theories - we will keep having meaningless discussions 
of "WHAT is IA?". In Art Theory and in Media Theory they stopped doing this 
decades ago. Try out the "WHEN is IA?" and the "WHERE is IA?" - like in "When 
is art?" and "When is meaning?". Ask some other questions - and get better 
This does not mean that the PRACTICE of IA could not benefit from a kind 
of "canon" of central theoretical works, and a more or less fixed set of 
tools and practices - listed on an open list.
Neither does it mean that we cannot benefit from empirical research in those 
fields - (psychology, social sciences, cultural sciences) - to learn more 
about how our work is being and understood in real life.

It means that we should care more about how IA changes along with the changes 
in the media we are dealing with. IA and Content Management Systems are being 
discussed. Great stuff! IA and Mobile Computing is discussed. More Great 
Stuff! These are the challenges that will help IA develop - and all the while 
the definition of IA (the "WHAT IS") will change a little, and become clearer 
to us.

So in fewer words: IAs GUT will evolve from our work while we work - not the 
other way around.
Let practice and theory cross-fertilize. Don't stop in order to get a static 
definition of IA before you go on practicing.

Just my 2 cents.

Gunnar Langemark
gunnar at langemark.com

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