[Sigia-l] IA system components - add to the list!

Boniface Lau boniface_lau at compuserve.com
Thu Mar 27 20:28:40 EST 2003

> Behalf Of Nuno Lopes
> I was counting on your experience for us not to fall into the trap
> of discussing methodology and development environments,

I don't see that as a trap.

A real trap is discussing web site components as if they are
information architecture components.

> To this:
> > 
> > IMOH not everything that one creates are artifacts,
> Boniface wrote:
> >See http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=artifact
> I don't understand. There is nothing in the definition that says that
> everything a person creates is an artifact. 

Well, here is what the referenced American Heritage dictionary said
about "artifact":

AH> Something viewed as a product of human conception or agency rather
AH> than an inherent element 

Thus, all things created by a person are artifacts.

> To this:
> > 
> > A component in IT is not necessarily a "thing" of something else (as
> > part of),
> Boniface wrote:
> >See http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=component
> I understand the extent of the definition in practice, 

If you did, you wouldn't have contradicted a dictionary's definition.

BTW, in case you don't know, dictionary reflects how words are used in

> If your favorite dictionary is The reference for Information
> Architecture that you use then have you looked for definition of
> Architecture?

Obviously, an English language dictionary is not a reference for
information architecture.

> If you consider that definition good enough why then you ask the
> question ...
> >What is Architecture?

I'd already told you. Re-read my earlier messages.

> Boniface: wrote:
> >But information architecture is _about_ structures.
> You also wrote to someone else's post:
> >To me, information architecture is the structural specification of
> >a system's information space.
> Wow!!!!!

I hope you didn't fall off your chair. ;-)

> According with your dictionary, Architecture is perceived amongst
> other things as:
> "Orderly arrangement of parts; structure:"
> http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=artifact
> So what you are saying does not clarify what Information
> Architecture is,

It does. Just that the clarification is not sufficient for you.

A newbie often requires hand-holding like that of a tutorial. But I
was not giving a tutorial.

> rather then simply confirms that the notion of architecture in I.A
> is compliant with the common notion of architecture not
> surprisingly. 

Well, a good definition is supposed to be consistent with the language
dictionary. So I thank you for the unintended compliment. ;-)

> Thank you very much.

You are welcome! ;-)

> I thing we need some systematic mind set in order to further discuss
> the topic.

Two things are needed:

First, a mind with discipline, instead of a wandering mind. If you
have something to say, say it straight instead of meandering around.

Second, much better English language skill so that you can properly
express yourself.

> Do I have to make a drawing?

Drawing is not well-suited for expressing complicated abstract
concepts. To be good at that, you need to significantly improve your
English language skill.

> The reason I'm not sometimes succinct is due to the fact I don't
> have time to be :)

People's expression reflects what goes on in their mind. Long-winded
statements often indicate a lack of clarity in one's mind.

> PS: If you don't know just don't answer with other irrelevant
> statement, I had enough of that.

Newbies often have trouble seeing beyond the very obvious. Are you
sure what you deemed irrelevant was not due to your being a newbie?

> Also don't say what it is not when you don't know what it is.

Did I? Care to cite some facts?

> Maybe someone else can.

May be that someone is the very person you thought saying irrelevant


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