[Sigia-l] Fwd: RE: Apple and Pears"

Jan C. Wright jancw at wrightinformation.com
Wed Mar 19 13:29:52 EST 2003

So is the need for taxonomy/classification/controlled vocabulary 
growing?  Shrinking? -- I think I am seeing more and more emphasis on it 
than I saw three years ago. Witness the change in content in the Polar Bear 
book from first edition to second edition. The emphasis on metadata and 
metadators in the Content Management Bible. CMS system tools. XFML. 
Discussion lists on faceted classification that are pretty active. My sense 
is that it is a growing area of at least concern, if not practice.

Someone earlier in the discussion (sorry, I forget who) said something 
about the need for this practice is very limited and goes away once it is 
set, but I don't think that's true. But maybe that's because I'm working in 
content whose terminology changes every month, rather than something more 
set in its ways.

Would love to hear opinions on this...


At 10:03 AM 3/19/2003 -0800, Louis Rosenfeld wrote:

>It bugs me that Argus' demise would be cited as
>an example of an entire practice's lack of value.
>It places too much importance on Argus' role, and
>worse, is short-sighted:  "LIS IA" is growing,
>but it's growing in house, not at specialized

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