[Sigia-l] WOW! how annoying.. where do you find IA ia's - look for an indexer

Jan C. Wright jancw at wrightinformation.com
Wed Mar 19 11:34:19 EST 2003

There are some people who specialize solely in this work -- controlled 
vocabularies, taxonomies, indexing metadata. I'm one, and I don't do 
wireframes. I don't do any big IA, as the controlling of vocabularies is 
the world I work in. I want to know what's in the wireframes, I want to 
know what things will look like, what people search for, how the mechanism 
works, how to code for it, how to feed it into a tool, how to maintain and 
update and tweak it, who the audience is, so I can design the metadata for 
the system. I see this area as something that people can specialize in, and 
that the specialists often know approaches, tools, and potential pitfalls 

Jan Wright

At 12:13 PM 3/19/2003 +1100, Webindexing - Jon Jermey and Glenda Browne wrote:
>I second this, and would add that you could also look for an indexer,
>specifically a database indexer (www.asindexing.org in the US;
>www.aussi.org in Australia).
> >
> > Message: 12
> > Reply-To: "David Heller" <david.heller at documentum.com>
> > From: "David Heller" <hippiefunk at hotmail.com>
> > To: "'Christina Wodtke'" <cwodtke at eleganthack.com>,
> >       <Sigia-l at asis.org>
> > Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] WOW! how annoying.. where do you find IA ia's
> > Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 17:18:06 -0800
> >
> > <<I'm tryign to find an IA who knows stuff like taxonomy
> > design/classification and the like-- and I keep geting these site
> > map+interaction types.. west coast IA's. How do you tease them apart?
> > Anyone else go up aginst this problem? advice? >>
> >
> > I think you have to specify that you want someone w/ a
> > library science background VERY few IAs out there really come
> > from the type of background you are looking for. One of the
> > reasons I stopped calling myself an IA; see B&A article for
> > more info. ;-)
> >
> > The term has just been mis-used, mis-appropriated, and
> > over-generalized to become useless.
> >
> > -- dave
> >
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