[Sigia-l] Tab Navigation Structures

James Kalbach kalbach at scils.rutgers.edu
Wed Mar 19 11:07:45 EST 2003


I'm guessing the motivation behind this is to
essentially remove a level of hierarchy and get
the user to the content quicker - which is fine.

Instead of
   Home > Research > News

you have
   Home > News

when counting clicks.

The only problem I've encountered with this (if
I understand your situation correctly) is that
you then can't link to the *section* "Research"
easily, internally or externally. For example,
might you have a link somewhere else in the site
labelled "see more Research"? Or might you need
to advertise
externally (or something similar)?

If so, you need to consider how such linkages
will actually take place. Do you have a link
labelled  "research" that leads directly to
"news"? Coming from somewhere else in the site
or from outside the site, this could be

It's not impossible to skip the overview pages,
but you have to consider the consequences.

Hope this helps.


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