[Sigia-l] mouse gestures

Matthias Mueller-Prove mprove at acm.org
Thu Mar 6 16:03:10 EST 2003


a while ago Richard Law sent a link to an article on mouse gestures. I like to add a reference to a wonderful little app for Windows IE (and the file explorer): browser bumper by Michael Herf.


Bump the mouse the left (or right) edge of the screen and the browser does a BACK (or FORWARD) operation.

Way cool and adictive!


At 18:33 Uhr -0700 02.10.2002, Richard Law wrote:
>Here's an interesting concept to consider.
>Building a better computer mouse
>By Evan Hansen
>Staff Writer, CNET News.com
>October 2, 2002, 4:00 AM PT
>A software maker is trying to redefine how people interact with their PCs.
>Popularized by Norway's Opera Software, the "mouse gesture" is slowly
>winning converts among software developers who hope to simplify repetitive
>tasks in computer applications.
>A friend told me this was the way Quantel Paintboxes used to work. It seems
>like often a new idea is really just an old idea in a new context.
>Richard Law
>Cisco.com User Experience Group

User-Centered Software Design                 http://www.mprove.de

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