[Sigia-l] A modest suggestion

Marc Rettig mrettig at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 6 11:05:51 EST 2003

Hi all, 
Thank you for such an active, enthusiastic list. But there's something I've
been wishing for. It's this: more posts on this list that fall in the category
of: "I tried this, and it helped / worked / succeeded." Or, "I tried this, and
it didn't work." There are already a number of these, and they seem to kick off
the most interesting, useful, and save-for-laterable threads. More, more!

Since some interesting portion of "the field" is listening here, we can think
of postings here as a way to contribute to the field. 

I don't mean this as a "please stop ranting / flaming / sniping" suggestion.
It's just that I've found that conversations about theory, principles, and
other abstractions tend to be better when we can use an actual bit of practice
as a rack to hang them on. 

Conversations that start with, "I SAW this..." (as opposed to I TRIED this) are
good to, but of course it leaves us all speculating about what really happened
on the project, what the intent was, how it came to be. It's fun to try to dig
around and find out who did work we admire, and ask them about it. Or get 'em
in here to tell us about it. 

Again, I'm not asking anyone to stop doing what they're doing. I suspect that
there are folks out there who have been doing good stuff, and wanted to raise
my hand in favor of having them share what they're doing. Even if it's
something small like, um, "this way of making a little list helps me keep track
of stuff." I don't mean whole case studies. The daily nitty-gritty. 

I always liked this list for it's shop talk. Shop talk nicely complements the
navel-gazing and navel-mocking. 

Thanks. That's your public service announcement for the day. Back to regular

Big grins,

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