[Sigia-l] Readability tool & "click on radiobutton"

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Tue Jun 24 15:08:11 EDT 2003

>| How do you say "click on the radio button next to the
>| name" to people who don't know what a radio button is?

You avoid specificity. Say something like: 'Select your name:' which is
open-ended and is not determined to map-out a pre-defined existence for
the user. It is better to allow the user to self-actualize (Rogerian
psychotherapy --> http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Rogers) 

Nevertheless, if your audience is expected to be grade-4 children, you
may want to throw-a-lot-of-verbiage at them to overcome 'accidents of
perplexity' -- but I wouldn't. Self-discovery is always more fulfilling
because its chief attribute is potential towards endurance. 

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