[Sigia-l] stats on card sorting thread

Steven L. Maccall smaccall at bama.ua.edu
Fri Jun 6 21:42:07 EDT 2003

To be fair, there *was* a pretty significant "LIS lovefest" subthread to
this discussion that should have been under a different subject line (me

While I'm at it, I should really come clean: *I am not a practicing IA,*
though I was the principal architect of the clinical digital library at
http://cchs-dl.slis.ua.edu/. What it lacks in programming bells and
whistles is (should be) more than made up by its depth, breadth, proven
usability and sheer audacity! (6,000 hours of labor :) ... all that while
adhering to no dogma, since during development over the past 6 years, no
dogma had had time to set in!!


On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Karl Fast wrote:

> Some numbers about the card sorting thread and it's offshoots.
> Stats are from SIGIA archive between the first post (May 23
> @5:39EST) and now (June 6th @8:30pm EST).
>   168: total messages posted to SIGIA during this period
>    77: messages posted to card sorting thread
>    51: messages posted to card sorting by the four most frequent
>        contributors to the thread (at least 9 messages per person)
> In other words:
>    46% of SIGIA messages in last two weeks have been on this thread
>    66% of the card sorting messages have come from 4 people
> I did this by hand.
> I won't do it again.
> Might be minor counting errors.
> Deal with it. ;)
> First post, as far as I can tell:
>   Subject: Card sorting: dealing with multiple placements
>   Date:    Fri May 23 2003 - 17:39:16 EDT
>            http://www.info-arch.org/lists/sigia-l/0305/0297.html
> --karl
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