[Sigia-l] Usability: Pagination for search results pages...?

donna at maadmob.net donna at maadmob.net
Fri Jun 6 04:41:02 EDT 2003

I don't remember any studies, and even if I did, the results would be 
specific to the type of information, the sorting of the results and all of 
the minute details in the interface...

- The first is OK (I usually step through results), 
- the second is useful if I'm repeating a search and I know the result is 
on a particular page (there is something at work that I often search for 
and the result is always on page 4, and I have to step through next, 
next, next)
- the third is fabulous for content sorted in alpha order, and could be 
expanded to different methods for other sequences



On 5 Jun 2003 at 11:28, Peter Nies wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone have or know of any studies done on preferred ways of 
> navigating search results?
> Like:
>  >Sort Control                Previous | Next
> vs.
>  >Sort Control               1 | 2 | 3 | more...
>  >Sort Control               1- B | C - H | L - M | more...
> etc...
> Please feel free to contact me directly.
> Advance thanks,
> Peter

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