[Sigia-l] AusSI NSW indexing conference

Webindexing - Jon Jermey and Glenda Browne webindexing at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jul 30 23:27:41 EDT 2003

Indexing the World of Information:  an international
conference organised by the Australian Society of Indexers

Carlton Crest Hotel, 169-179 Thomas Street, Sydney

Friday 12 and Saturday 13 September 2003
Satellite workshops (XML and Internet searching 1/2 day each):  Thursday
11 September
The conference program presents multiple perspectives on
information management including print and online indexing, 
content management, information architecture, metadata 
development, thesaurus construction and user-centred classification.


content management
     issues in practice
     print to online
information architecture
intranet development
menu system design
metadata for resource discovery
online directories
print indexes
thesaurus construction
topic maps for easy access
user-centred classification
web indexes
Who should come?  indexers; editors; publishers; librarians;
archivists; records managers; content managers; information 
architects; metadata specialists; thesaurus developers; 
usability experts; information and knowledge management 
teachers and students
Two-day registration:  Australian Society of Indexers members
$380; non-members $430 One-day registration:  members $205; 
non-members: $230 Costs include lunch, morning and afternoon teas

Registration and program:  http://www.aussi.org
More information:  contact Glenda Browne
Email:  webindexing at optusnet.com.au
Phone:  +61 (0)2 4739 8199

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