[Sigia-l] corp product page vs news site

lchan at mywhine.com lchan at mywhine.com
Wed Jul 23 18:23:24 EDT 2003

I was just looking at a recent Forrester e-newsletter today and noticed
some blurb about the number of clicks comparison between a product page
from Dell vs. a news article click on CNN.  The gist was to reduce the
number of clicks to information, but to use totally different types of
sites I think doesn't hold its weight for me.  If the analyst was to
compare Dell site with HP or Gateway that would be one thing, but to
compare a newspaper site with a corporate product site doesn't make sense
to me.

When you do competitive analysis for navigation design, or the
organization of content, do you go to similar industry sites or just look
around for best practices across all sites?


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