[Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive laFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)

Derek R derekr at derekrogerson.com
Sat Jul 19 16:26:26 EDT 2003

fabrizio wrote:

>| Google interface would be totally useless 
>| without the back-end technology that makes
>| things *findable*

Just *how* do you think those things are found? Via ESP? Or is there an
actual search/scan of documents/objects taking place which *results* in
a 'find' ?

The magic of http://google.com/ is in their search algorithms -- not in
the useless additions of meta-tags (i.e. spam) which http://google.com/
doesn't even pay any attention to (for obvious reasons).

>| not necessarily true

Yes. It is necessarily true that the logical order of causation is cause
*then* effect. Now this is 'elementary!'

'Findability' is lost in the most basic logical fallacy of using a
proposition as a premise which is yet to be proved (i.e. bred before
born). This is an obvious inversion of logical order (Hysteron-Proteron
<http://bartleby.com/61/29/H0372900.html> i.e. the error of

Let's get serious anytime now.

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