[Sigia-l] Terms & the rest of us: Findability (was: Vive laFrance! Vive Napoleon!!)

Derek R derekr at derekrogerson.com
Sat Jul 19 01:50:29 EDT 2003

Eric wrote:

>| If you cannot find the thing you want,
>| then you cannot scan it

Let's be serious about this please. There is a logical order to things
(causation) which you cannot hi-jack and rearrange to suit your
marketing message.

I don't think it behooves anyone to argue you can 'find' things before
you seek them. The only pseudo-case of this is to come upon things 'by
accident' (i.e. spam) which is not relevant to our purpose.

So again, let's be serious and not fall prey to delusion within our
personal networks. Yeesh!

>| [Scanning] doesn't mean that you *will* find if you do scan

Again, I don't think it behooves you to argue that 'examination' is an
activity which negates itself. Even finding nothing is a discovery.
Let's please try to be serious. 

Matthew 7:7 ~ this is pretty basic stuff

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