[Sigia-l] Useful tools

Dr. Marios Pittas marios at pittas-associates.com
Wed Jul 16 22:16:48 EDT 2003

> A group at IBM created a notational language for interaction design called
> OVID that was loosely similar to UML. It was published as a book, so
> be available.



-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-admin at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-admin at asis.org]On Behalf Of
Whitney Quesenbery
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 10:03 AM
To: Sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] Useful tools

At 09:19 AM 7/17/2003 +0800, Dr. Marios Pittas wrote:
>UI  designers do not use UML notation to document their UI's. They might
>task analysis (in one form or another), screens, screen flow diagrams etc.
>but to my knowledge and experience not UML..

A group at IBM created a notational language for interaction design called
OVID that was loosely similar to UML. It was published as a book, so should
be available.

I've worked on several UML-driven projects in which we worked on how to
relate the UI documentation to the UML and other engineering documents.

Without going into long detail here, what we came up with was the need to
synchronize the two sets of docs at critical points. For example, before
detailed screen design began, we made sure that we understood how the
screen flow diagrams related to the state models and use cases.

The team process map looked like a series of mirrored loops, with clear
touch points:

System () UI
System () UI

The phases roughly matched task analysis, design concept, high level
navigation/screen flow, detailed design.

Whitney Quesenbery
Whitney Interactive Design, LLC
w. www.WQusability.com
e. whitneyq at wqusability.com
p. 908-638-5467

UPA  - www.upassoc.org
STC Usability SIG: www.stcsig.org/usability

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