[Sigia-l] RE: Re: JJG + A Brand New Bag -- OFF TOPIC Ageism Rant

Josephine Scott JssJScott at netscape.net
Fri Jul 11 13:11:14 EDT 2003

Sorry, the boomer in me can't let an injustice pass unnoticed.  We constitute a sizeable enough proportion of this list to take a moment make a point, even if it adds to the noise.

A presumably younger-than-boomer person wrote:

>Those uninformed 'baby-boomer' executives and management-types will be >retiring in short order, and the replacing *young* generation is not, I >predict, going to be sympathetic to such 'elementary' (to use JJG's word >~ same as 'basic') definitions.

As a boomer (late Devonian period) I'd like to take exception, both because it is ageist and offensive, but also factually incorrect:

1) It has been widely observed that communication is trending toward simpler construction with succeeding generations.  While this simplification really has been happening for centuries, the availability of mass and now targeted media has accelerated that process exponentially. 

Boomers were noted for cynicism and critical thinking.  "Question authority" was a hallmark slogan; it was commonplace to be suspicious of every message. Today, the uncritical acceptance of media input makes it seem as if the simpler the idea, the better -- so long as it is tagged with the cache of "young," "extreme," "reality" or "X."   

2) Don't be too sure we're retiring in short order.  Consider:

-- We retain the great insight, passion and compassion that were and are our hallmarks;
-- We've worked harder than any past and present generation (we sadly invented the 80 hour work week during the depression of the 80s); and 
-- We're much healthier than our parents were at our age.  

Add to mix our decreasing social benefits and the current state of retirement investments, and it looks like you will be competing for jobs with boomers for some time to come. Yet in an environment of diversity, this is something to be embraced rather than disdained. Everyone has something to offer, even in the post dot-com age.

Ageism is as offensive as other types of stereotyping, right up there with racism and sexism.  It is plain that causing offense has not been a great concern to some on this board lately, but allow me to suggest that those who want to achieve success in its truest form, professionally or otherwise, will never do so without developing at least a small measure of compassion and respect.

In the spirit of the 60s, 

Peace and Love,
J. Scott

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