[Sigia-l] [PLUG] JJG's Got A Brand New Bag - STOP THE MADNESS

Lorelei Brown loreleibrown at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 10 11:16:16 EDT 2003

Can we PLEASE stop this thread RIGHT NOW before we
spend all day carefully explaining that's it's
assinine to turn your critique of someone's thought
into an insult? 

Thank you for not making the signal to noise ratio

Back to IA.


--- Lyle_Kantrovich at cargill.com wrote:
> Derek said:
> > Again, if you *don't know* how the basic
> life-cycle works, then you
> > should get out of the business. No amount of money
> blown on workshops
> > will turn-your-boat-around in time to save your
> Web development 
> project.
> Sure, and following that line of thinking:
> 1. If you don't know (everything) about marketing,
> you should get out of 
> business.
> 2. If you don't know (everything) about management,
> you should get out 
> of business.
> 3. If you don't know (everything) about search
> engine, you shouldn't 
> have one.
> 4. If you don't already know (everything) about
> business, you shouldn't 
> think of getting an MBA, or teaching a class, or
> getting a job.
> 5. Only the most qualified people are qualifiable.
> Clearly we should never try to simplify things -
> more sophisticated is 
> always better.
> We should also never try to teach others who have
> less experience - let 
> them learn on their own.
> Hoarding knowledge and ideas is good, right?
> Things should always be "ground breaking" and
> "worthy of wide acclaim." 
> People who aren't as enlightened as ourselves are
> obviously "too dumb 
> for help" and should be left behind.  Forget the
> fact that they could be 
> a future team member, supporter, or sponsor.  Roles
> and responsibilities 
> should always be fuzzy.
> Common sense isn't, and back-handed compliments
> aren't.
> Next time try suggesting some improvements first
> rather than expounding 
> on the superiority gap between yourself and those
> clueless dummies who 
> have no business supporting your field of work.
> Lyle
> ----
> Lyle Kantrovich
> User Experience Architect
> Croc O' Lyle - Personal Commentary on usability,
> information 
> architecture and design.
> http://crocolyle.blogspot.com/
> "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." 
> 	- Leonardo da Vinci
> "Doing business without advertising is like winking
> at a girl in the 
> dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else
> does."
> Steuart Henderson Britt, advertising consultant,
> 1970.
> ------------
> When replying, please *trim your post* as much as
> possible.
> *Plain text, please; NO Attachments
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