[Sigia-l] Google vs. Knowledge Management

George Olsen golsen.wlist at pobox.com
Fri Jan 31 19:15:13 EST 2003

Jonathan Broad said:
> I'm beginning to think some people on this list were beaten up by
> librarians as children. :)

Or there's a lack of understanding of the difference between a failure in
communications and a fundamental disagreement. Big difference...

And one oddly enough applicable to categorization.

In the former, I don't understand the category someone created. More info
may clarify that lack of understanding.

In the latter, I understand the categorization, but don't agree with it.
More info is unlikely to change my position.

Lots of "political" categorizations (e.g. someone's "terrorists" are
someone else's "freedom fighters") are reflective of fundamental

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