[Sigia-l] CMS and IA

Jon Hanna jon at spin.ie
Wed Jan 29 13:19:42 EST 2003

Let's say a CMS stores a title,
> author, text and creation data in separate database fields. And it
> displays these things in varying ways on a website. Maybe there are 3
> views of an article: printable, free and subscriber only version. How do
> you build a topicmap that classifies stuff that is in a database to
> drive your existing website? Do you define a line between what metadata
> the CMS handles and what the topicmap handles?

Something I've been thinking about of late, both with regard to CMS and also
to general REST principals. <http://www.spin.ie/jon/rep/rep.xml> came out of
that thinking (you'll need a browser that can do client-side XSL, I must get
around to doing an XML version).

BTW, Do people still do "printable" versions as in your example? Since CSS
means the only difference these days would be that the printable version
would be in one document, as opposed to many, is it perhaps worth just
letting people print each part of a multi-part document separately given
that the inconvenience brings is offset by the ability to not print sections
they don't find particularly useful?

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