[Sigia-l] Information needs analysis

James Kalbach kalbach at scils.rutgers.edu
Tue Jan 28 04:28:16 EST 2003


> I'm doing an information needs analysis (looking at what information
> different audiences need and how they need/want it). I'm using it to
> determine classification schemes and structures. Any good
> guidelines/examples?

I have had success using a staged approach to analyzing
information seeking needs and uses, largely adapted from
work in information and library science.

Here is an outline of some of my ideas:

Recently, though I've added a new dimension accouting
for user feelings and emotions during the information
seeking process, a la Kuhlthau

Identify users' situations during the information seeking
process often makes their needs more apparent. This can all
then be mapped to project and business goals.

Hope this is what you meant.


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