[Sigia-l] Findability

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Sun Jan 26 16:46:22 EST 2003

Karl Fast wrote:
>| I had no idea that Prozac consumption
>| was driven by classification

It would appear that you have *no idea* about a number of things Karl:

Classification Invented To Sell Drugs -->

-- or -- it would appear *more likely* that you are well-aware of the
advantages of categorizing something in order to 'build a market' for

I loathe the idea of the information on the Internet/WWW being handled
by the 'findability specialist' who only cares to *make* (force) things
'findable' -- regardless if it was asked for, needed, relevant, useful
or pleasurable to the user or not. 

Who cares? Right Karl? As long as there is money ($$$) to be made! To
hell with real Information Architecture! We've got Marketing to do!

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