[Sigia-l] Findability

Cunliffe D J (Comp) djcunlif at glam.ac.uk
Wed Jan 22 11:56:43 EST 2003

> From: Ken Bryson [mailto:kbryson at aw.sgi.com] wrote:
> Derek R's problem with this is the subjective nature of choosing what's
> important, but that's a problem that has always existed and always will
> when
> you attempt to structure a set of data into information for a particular
> purpose.

Surely this is an inevitable and unavoidable consequence of a 'one size fits
all' information architecture - we end up with a more or less best solution
for most situations (and exceptional but important situations - fire exits).

Ideally what I want when I go to an airport are just (and only) a set of
signs which say 'Daniel you need to go this way' (please note that this is a
different Daniel to the other Daniel on this list - any similarity is purely
coincidental). The ultimate 'findable-ized' web site is a single page
containing only the item I want.

Perhaps we need to start thinking about personalised information
architectures - it is very hard to reconfigure a supermarket or an airport
to suit an individual but relatively easy (compared to a supermarket) to
reconfigure web content. 

Be seeing you.

Daniel (yes, the other one).

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