[Sigia-l] [ADMIN] Moderation

Richard Hill rhill at asis.org
Wed Jan 22 08:09:30 EST 2003

I unilaterally imposed "moderation" on this list because I saw a problem 
potentially leading to destruction of the list as a useful tool.  Some 

1) By "moderation," I did not mean "censorship."  I did not mean that any 
control over the content of messages would be exercised EXCEPT to contain 
the flame wars that flare up from time to time.  I can't imagine censoring 
the content of IA list for other reasons, but I suppose that is a 
possibility.  Yes, we do "censor" the numerous offers of toner cartridges, 
e-mail lists, requests for assistance from Nigeria and elsewhere, porn, 
etc.   And I particularly like this list.  I like its rowdy, sometimes 
raucous, always irreverent tone and spirit.

2) The unilateral imposition was perhaps necessary to impose a "cooling 
off" period, but I think this list/community needs a better method of 
governance than a reliance on my or anyone's benevolence.

I think "list moderation" is not an IA topic but is critical at this 
juncture.  Let's take it off line.  Send thoughts and comments to me, 
rhill at asis.org.

If you are interested in seeing an SIG IA-L advisory board to rein in a 
possibly sometimes not-so-benevolent dictator(s), please let me know. If 
you have ideas/experience in what such a board might, should, or should not 
do, I'm anxious to hear.

Dick Hill

Executive Director
American Society for Information Science and Technology
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510
Silver Spring, MD  20910
FAX: (301) 495-0810
PHONE: (301) 495-0900


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