[Sigia-l] Why Good Content Must Suck: Designing for the Scent of Information - Jared Spool

Joe 10 joe at joe10.com
Tue Jan 14 01:32:54 EST 2003

At 6:00 PM -0500 1/13/03, Derek R wrote:
>Definition: "Information Scent" -- The *subjective* sense of value and
>cost of accessing a page based on perceptual cues; Scanning; Perception,
>being, arrangement.


>[ Consequently, 'findability' works this opposite way (which is false)
>by proposing that 'if we can give it to them (make it findable) it is
>what they want' -- an end, marketing. I will continue to expose this
>falsity until the people who purport to call themselves IAs drop this
>term, and its meaning, from their vocabularies, or show/prove me to be
>wrong. Presuming something is absolutely useful to a person just because
>it is available/for-sale is *marketing* and not information
>architecture. ]

Wow! Do they sell decaf where you go?
Joe Tennis
Information Design Honcho
Joe 10 Group
2430 5th Street
Studio L
Berkeley, CA 94710
joe at joe10.com
Interaction Design | Information Architecture | Usability Consulting
for Web, Wireless and Interactive Media
If you're not doing it, you're not doing it.

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