[Sigia-l] Re: Data vs. Information (LONG is Subjective addition)

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Fri Jan 10 02:17:49 EST 2003

>| information we seek isn't in the individual
>| datum at all, but *how* the aggregated data
>| validates

Oh boy! Now you're really getting warm and not chasing after additions
which are *useless.* Defined is defined (derivation).
>| We're not concerned with...aggregating it
>| with [metadata] but with *what it refers to*

Bingo! Derivation again. Understanding via distinction!

The Wisdom here is that of *reflexive knowledge,* meaning that if you
plainly, simply (Jakob), accurately, and definitively *present* ('a'
semantic) -- all that other mother-jazz will spontaneously follow all by
itself (cause of itself, 'x=x+1'). It is incorrect and arrogant to
presume to go about it the opposite way, and 'set up' things


"...systems of durable, transposable dispositions, structured structures
predisposed to function as structuring structures, that is as principles
of the generation and structuring of practices and representations which
can be objectively regulated and regular without in any way being the
product of obedience rules, objectively adapted to their goals without
presupposing a conscious aiming at ends or an express mastery of the
operations necessary to attain them and, being all this, collectively
orchestrated without being the product of the orchestrating action of a
"Presentation, not reference."

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