[Sigia-l] RE: Data vs. Information

Jan Egil Hagen janha+sigial at ifi.uio.no
Thu Jan 9 10:01:22 EST 2003

* Boniface Lau <boniface_lau at compuserve.com>
| In "Information Anxiety 2", RSW wrote on page 19, "information is
| that which leads to understanding."

There are at least two ways to go about exploring definitions for
information.  One is to try to find the one correct definition, and
the other way is to find out how different people actually use the
word.  I don't believe that getting a community to agree on one
correct definition is _totally_ futile, but it is certainly a lot less
hard work to explore how the word information is used in the real

Since it is too cold in Oslo right now to go out in the street and
talk to people, it could be fun to do something a bit less scientific
with the help of this list and IAWiki.  

I am sure everybody on this list has at least a couple of books in
their shelves which tries to give a definition of information.  I have
collected a few definitions from this list and other places on IAWiki,
and it would be interesting if other people could add the definitions
they have lying and around to the page.  With proper credit given if
at all possible.

<URL: http://www.iawiki.net/InformationVsData >

   World works; done by its invalids

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